Blackhole Dev


My name is Nick and I code the things. I'm a full-time .NET software developer and I work on weird projects in my spare time that I write posts about here. I really like JavaScript, React, Python, and C#, and I focus on web/mobile development. Right now I'm loving NextJS and Vercel a lot and have been using those for new personal projects. I'm a full-stack engineer familiar with working on small teams and bringing features from concept to production. Check out my GitHub for some code examples.

I love listening to music, watching Twitch/YouTube, playing videogames, and keeping up with new electronics and tech. I've been printed in the 2600 magazine (Autumn 2007 issue) and hosted one of the largest conference calls in the world dedicated entirely to telephone hacking (phreaking) (ConfCon 2009/2010).

I just wanna work on cool stuff with cool people 🙂 Send an email to or DM on Twitter to @rickjerrity if you want to talk!